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Welcome to Algernon's scrolls !

About Algernon

Algernon is a friendly fellow, an idiot savant, who sits around Puddleby mostly mumbling and smiling. His special talent is telling the time, and his favorite spot is just above the fence in the center of town. Algernon used to be called Idiot Savant, until I found a scrap of paper recording his adoption and real name in the back of a cabinet in the Town Hall.

Algernon is grateful to all his friends who give him warm happy good karma, give him shiny coins to play with, heal him when he is injured, help him get clothes and meals, and link their spirits to his so he can gain experience and learn from his friend the Mind Master more. He was especially happy about having a pretty orange sunstone, a tingly blue moonstone, and a shiny horn to play, before he lost them in the Ripture War of 533.

Like everyone else, Algernon forgot just about everything he knew in the war. He was terribly traumatized, and came back to Puddleby nearly catatonic. For the first few weeks he hardly moved from his bed. After a while he began to recover, and we in the Home decided it would be good for him to spend some time with his friends in town. Thanks to many kind people, he recovered amazingly well. He has learned quite a bit from the Mind Master and his friends in the healer's hall, and greatly enjoys healing people, playing with all his friends, and even using his sunstone to tell people the time (when he has one that works).

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