kiriel.gifKiriel D'Sol


Macros Available:

Hive Directions Macro

To use, copy and paste the following text into your Clan Lord macros file. Feel free to customize for your own use as needed.

// Hive Directions v1.0 // Based on the map at // Macro created by Kiriel D'Sol // Notify if you find a mistake or want to suggest an improvement "hivedir" { if @text == "nf2qc" message "North Farms to North Farms Hive Queen's Chamber:" message "Enter hive at north farms" message "N- to next chamber" message "N all the way then W- through the myrm holes" message "N- through the myrm holes" message "E- through the myrm holes" message "NE- through the myrm holes" message "NE- through the myrm holes" message "N- through the myrm holes" message "SE- through the myrm holes" message "S- through the myrm holes to the south" message "S- through the myrm holes to the south" message "NE- through the myrm holes (not E)" message "NW- through the myrm holes" message " " else if @text == "qc2nf" message "North Farms Hive Queen's Chamber to North Farms:" message "SW- through the myrm holes (to egg room)" message "NW- through the myrm holes" message "NE- through the myrm holes" message "E- through the myrm holes (not NE)" message "S- from pool" message "S- to next chamber" message "S all the way then W- to north farms" message " " else if @text == "nf2hh" message "North Farms to Highlands Hive Pool Room:" message "Enter hive at north farms" message "N- to next chamber" message "N then W- to next chamber" message "Jump in the pool repeatedly till you end up in new hive pool room" message " " else if @text == "hh2qc" message "Highlands Hive Pool Room to Highlands Hive Queen's Chamber:" message "Enter new hive at pool room (use nf2hh)" message "S through the water- to next chamber" message "E, S, E, N, then follow path eastward to the end to go through myrm holes" message "Follow path till intersection, go E" message "Follow path till intersection, go E" message "N, E, then S through myrm holes to QC" message " " else if @text == "qc2hh" message "Highlands Hive Queen's Chamber to Highlands Hive Pool Room:" message "Exit is in far NE corner through myrm holes" message "Go W, N, W, S, W, S" message "Follow path till intersection, go N" message "E- through myrm holes" message "W- all the way" message "N, then W and go through water to pool room" message " " else message "Hive Directions from Map at" message "Options: (usage- hivedir dirname)" message "nf2qc- North Farms to North Farms Hive Queen's Chamber" message "qc2nf- North Farms Hive Queen's Chamber to North Farms" message "nf2hh- North Farms to Highlands Hive Pool Room" message "hh2qc- Highlands Hive Pool Room to Highlands Hive Queen's Chamber" message "qc2hh- Highlands Hive Queen's Chamber to Highlands Hive Pool Room" message "Note: Unless directions say otherwise, a direction only goes to the first option to go the next direction specified" end if }