Winds of DawnOobiscus the Foxweir
1:15 am on Sombdi, day 11 of Spring, 638 Sun Times
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Date Details

The local time in the timezone you have set is: 2024-07-27 10:14 am PDT.
Note: If this does not match your local time, please update your time zone setting at the bottom of the page or do the appropriate calculations to compensate for the time difference. If you are noticing a significant discrepancy between the times listed here and what is being reported in Puddleby, please contact Kiriel D'Sol with details so it can be corrected.

Sun times for Today (Day 11 in Spring, 638):
 Sunrise: 5:38 am (OOC: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24 pm PDT - in 10 hr, 10 min)
 Sunset: 6:22 pm (OOC: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:31 pm PDT - in 13 hr, 16 min)
Sun times for Tomorrow (Day 12 in Spring, 638):
 Sunrise: 5:36 am (OOC: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 07:16 pm PDT - in 16 hr, 1 min)
 Sunset: 6:24 pm (OOC: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:23 pm PDT - in 19 hr, 9 min)

The current zodiac for the specified date is:

  Oobiscus the Foxweir Oobiscus the FoxweirOobiscus the Foxweir
Next zodiac is Eghorus the Rooster:
 IC: 26 in Spring, 638 (in 15 days)
 OOC: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 04:02 am PDT

The current moon phase for the specified date is:

  Oobiscus the Foxweir   Waxing Gibbous
Next full moon:
 IC: Day 12 in Spring, 638 (in 1 days)
 OOC: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:54 pm PDT

The next time the coliseum will be open from the specified date is:

  IC: Day 11 in Spring, 638 from 7:00pm to midnight (in 0 days)
OOC: From Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:40 pm to Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:54 pm PDT


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