Winds of DawnEghorus the Rooster
7:23 pm on Fordi, day 18 of Spring, 640 Sun Times
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Clan Lord Links

This scroll is a resurrection of the original "World's Greatest Collection of Clan Lord Links" created by Tim Yang (Worg). Please send any corrections for this scroll to Kiriel D'Sol

Exile scrolls (20):

Scroll Name Description
55 gallon tank  The 55 Gallon Tank is a humorous series of pictures of the (mis)adventures of Feeder Goldfish. This poor exile is found dead on the beach, dead in the farms, dead in a cold, dark, place.  
Cyrril Co'Fei's Scroll  Snapshots to chuckle over while fallen and waiting for a heal. Updated often! 
Drablak's Hideaway   
iolaus Welt - Erlebnisse aus Clan Lord & Alchera Erinnerungen   
Kemani's Book  The story of how Kemani became an exile.  
Kiriel D'Sol's Personal Scroll  This is the personal scroll of Kiriel D'Sol - Chainer, Fighter, Rescuer, Guide, and Baker Extraordinaire. It includes a short history, a few photos, and a collection of macros (mainly directions oriented).  
Kuudy's tailoring factory   
Minx on Death  Althea's journal entry on her encounter with an NPC called Minx who has a fascination with death.  
Paramedic's Notebook  A library of links to anything about Thooms, including artwork, stories, the Thoomcare clan and a collection of snapshots of all the Thoom player characters in Clan Lord. Also includes pictures of Paramedic's adventures and his haiku compositions.  
Poor-X's Scroll   
Rcooka-e's Diary  A diary of Rcooka-e's adventures and his music.  
Rizal's Scrapbook  A simple website of Rizal at his favourite haunt, the South Forest Hospital set up by Thoomcare.  
Sala Dragon's Webscroll  An introduction to Sala, his history, macros, music and pictures and movies of his adventures.  
sir Sleipnir Na Gralam  The history of Sleipnir and pictures and movies of his adventures. Includes the findings of the Council of Inquisition into the deeds of Lorian and those of Sendorian, agent of the Emperor.  
The Adventures of Hor   
The Puddleby Tales  The bard Jafree Cho'sur tells stories of the world in epic verse. Includes the Darshak War and Mobius's rise to power, the Native's Tale (Healery), and the Fisher-Thoom's Tale (Tamarin) so far. 
Tonle's Scrolls  Tonle's history and some pieces of his music.  
Wormtounge's Scroll  An introduction to Wormtounge, the story of his adventures and the story behind his name. Also includes 4th circle healers list.  
Xepel's Grove  An introduction to Xepel, his training stats, history and the grove from whence he came. Includes a picture diary of his adventures and music composed for Clan Lord.  
Yoshida-X's Scrolls  What can I say... it's in Japanese and I can't read it.  


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The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.